Time To Vision Board

I am starting late, I know……
I think the best thing for me to do, is to pretend that January didn’t happen and that February is actually the first month of the year.

So, it’s time to make a vision board – a visually inspiring collage that can act as a roadmap to your goals and desires. I make vision boards every year and I am so excited to make one for 2024! I have a feeling that this year is going to be full of crazy amazing things!

Here’s mine:

I like to keep my vision boards simple. I can make more than one and I can change them up whenever I feel like it. Remember this is a very personal exercise.

A vision board is more than just a collection of images and words pasted onto a board; it’s a tangible representation of your dreams and a constant reminder of what you want to manifest in your life. Here’s how to create your own vision board and harness its transformative potential:

1. Reflect on Your Goals:
Take some time to reflect on your short-term and long-term goals. What do you aspire to achieve in your personal and professional life? Consider your dreams, ambitions, and the kind of person you want to become.

2. Gather Materials:
If you are going to do this old school and make a big beautiful vision board that you can stick up on your wall then you’re going to need a few things. Collect magazines, images, quotes, and any other materials that resonate with your goals. The more diverse and representative, the better. You might also include personal photos, affirmations, and mementos.

3. Select a Medium:
Choose the format for your vision board. Some prefer a physical board using cork or poster board, while others opt for a digital version using online platforms or apps. The key is to select a medium that feels most accessible and inspiring to you. I always tend to make my vision boards online, because that just works for me. I then make my vision board the background on my phone and desktop. The most important thing in my opinion is that you see it everyday.

4. Get Creative:
Arrange your chosen materials on the board in a way that visually communicates your goals. Feel free to get creative – there are no strict rules. Use colours, textures, and patterns that evoke the emotions associated with your aspirations.

5. Place It Where You’ll See It:
Your vision board should be placed in a prominent location where you’ll encounter it daily. This constant visual reminder helps reinforce your goals and keeps them at the forefront of your mind.

6. Visualise and Affirm:
Regularly spend a few moments visualising yourself achieving your goals while looking at your vision board. Couple this with positive affirmations to enhance the impact. The combination of visualisation and affirmation can significantly boost your motivation and focus. You guys know I’m a huge fan of affirmations!

7. Update and Evolve:
As your goals evolve or change, update your vision board accordingly. It’s a dynamic tool that grows with you and adapts to your shifting aspirations.

Remember, a vision board is a personal and powerful tool that taps into the psychology of visualisation. By actively engaging with your dreams in a tangible way, you’re taking a proactive step towards turning them into reality. Embrace the creative process, stay focused, and watch as your vision board becomes a catalyst for positive change in your life.

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